Here at Janie Toynton Hypnotherapy, I have many years’ experience helping both adults and young people manage their anxiety. I am so pleased to be able to bring SFH to Beverley and Hull so that we can work together to tackle your anxiety, with this safe, pleasant therapy and get the real you back.
We all need a little bit of anxiety in our lives
It helps keep us safe, for example makes sure we cross the road safely; of course, this is good. What’s not so good is when anxiety starts to take over our lives, can make us have unwanted physical symptoms or stop us living the life we want to live, in the way we want to!
Anxiety can build up gradually, until one day we might have a full-blown panic attack, perhaps even chest pain or other unexplained physical symptoms, such as palpitations, shaking, sweating and nausea. This can make life hard to manage and we may start to feel negative about the future, thus making a negative cycle which just increases the anxiety further and can even lead us to avoid certain situations.
Anxiety can be different for everyone, for some people it will be the big things creating difficult to manage anxiety, such as divorce, house move or past events, for others it may be an exam, that driving test, meeting friends, their own health worries, even day to day life and stress.
What we do know is that levels of anxiety have surged during the COVID 19 pandemic, unsurprisingly: Our lives have been turned upside down.
The good news is that SFH is a safe and effective treatment for anxiety, through explanation of why we feel the way we do and using research-based therapy, techniques and deep hypnosis at Janie Toynton Hypnotherapy, we can Find Your Best Mind and get the real you back.
We usually work very quickly between 8-12 sessions, contact me to arrange an Initial Consultation or book online, I would love to help you with this wonderful, enjoyable, effective therapy.

If you are ready to change your perspective on life, get the real you back or just manage your stress effectively, reach out to me. I would love to be able to share this uplifting, empowering, effective, enjoyable therapy with the people of Beverley, Hull and surrounding areas, in person or via Zoom.
Please give me a call if you want further information, or book online for an initial consultation.